We’ve listened.

Solr set out with a vision to provide high quality, affordable Solar PV Packages for everyone, and continue to do so. However we recognise the demand for a product that’s less about ROI, and more about performance, responsibility, and peace of mind. So we have put together a package with the following attributes, to ensure everyone gets their dream Solar PV system. As part of our premium package, we are also offering a free onboarding session with every install, so you can have some time with one of our experts to fully understand how to maximise your systems performance.

Enphase Installation Video

Take a look at an in-depth walkthrough of recent Enphase Installation with GSE integrated panels.

High Performance

At the heart of any Solar system is the inverter. Almost all of the inverters installed in the UK are String inverters, which join all the panels together and convert the large DC supply into AC current. Our Premium package uses Enphase Microinverters, meaning each panel is individually optimised. This means with shading, or inclement weather, the inverters can optimise each panel individually for maximum output. They also can work with very low power – meaning they produce more in low light conditions in the mornings & evenings.

We have coupled this with the Eurener 430W Bifacial panel. A Bifacial panel means that both the front, and the rear of the panel can produce power, meaning any light reflected from the roof is not wasted and provides additional energy. This coupled with a high efficiency of 22% means this panel will outproduce almost all other panels on the market with a similar peak output.

Finally, all of our premium offerings will have GSE integrated roof mounting as standard. This means there are no rails or hooks, or visible wires. A GSE system gives a fanastic finish and elimates issues with wind, bird intrusion, and looks fanastic on any roof.

Unbeatable Warranty

Enphase are the only company to offer a 25 year warranty on their microinverters. They have an impressively low failure rate to date of just 0.0051%, with their newer models being even lower than that.

Eurener offer a 30 year performance warranty, which guarantee a minimum performance level of 84.5% after 30 years ( 1% year one, and 0.5% for each subsequent year). They also guarantee the product itself for 25 years.

GSE offer a 15 year warranty on their roof tray system against leakages or defects.


The UK Government’s data has shown that while Solar PV fires are rare, they can happen. Of those fires investigated, 73% were caused by DC component failure. With an Enphase System, all of those DC connections are eliminated, meaning it is one of the safest solar systems on the market today. Their battery system also employs a low Voltage DC system, to mitigate the risks invovled with high voltage DC – this makes Enphase batteries one of the safest on the market today. The GSE Roof system, being flush mounted to roof, means their is no way for animals or debris to get underneath the panels where they could be a problem.

Ethically Sourced

Enphase have published their commitment to human rights on their website, and design and manufacture all of their components in the US.

Eurener is based in Spain, and have stated that all of the modules produced exclude any raw materials sourced from the Xinjiang region.

GSE is a French company, and has it’s code of ethics available online, all of their products are designed and manufactured in France.

Fantastic Visual Appeal

All of the panels used are all black – giving a clean, modern look. This combined with the GSE in-roof system give a great external visual appeal. Inside, one of other advtantages of Enphase is the lack of equipment visible inside. Rather than having a bulky inverter in your roofspace or garage, Enphase equipment is all on the roof, with just a small gateway device for monitoring and control installed somewhere in the house. This also elimates bulky wire trunking to carry DC cables to where the inverter and batteries are located.

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Solar PV

Solar PV Installation

Battery Storage


Inverter Replacement

Inverter Replacement

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